Natural Area Services

Natural Area Management in Florida

Here in Florida, we are blessed with unique geography and abundant protected natural areas. Our peninsular state stretches from the coastal plains in the south toward the Tropic of Cancer, while the Gulf of Mexico, the Atlantic Ocean, and the Caribbean Sea lay toward our three sides. There is an impressive variety of beautiful natural habitats, from desert-like scrublands and prairies to coastal dunes, limestone caverns, saltwater marshes, and subtropical forests.

ESU is dedicated to the preservation of our stunning wildlife and native habitats. Reach out to us for more information about natural area management in Florida.

Managing Invasive Species & Preserve Restoration

For over 100 years, wildlife and native habitats have been impacted by development and are disappearing continuously. Today, more than half of our land is claimed by urbanization or the increase of essential agriculture we need to sustain ourselves. Both of these are inevitable consequences of an increasing population.

Many natural habitats have also been affected by non-native plant species. Only a small number of the 25,000 estimated plant species brought to Florida for agricultural or landscaping purposes have become invasive. However, the species that do can negatively affect native plant communities by hybridizing with native species, competing for space and resources, and disrupting hydrologic and fire regimes. Invasive species must be managed to protect our native plant communities.

Erosion Control; Coastal Dune, Shoreline, & Spoil Island Restoration

Natural dune systems are a series of vegetated ridges created by wind and waves. These natural forces move sand landward where vegetation grows, trapping the sand. As sand accumulates, vegetation continues to grow, and a network of roots forms and anchors to the sand. As sand is continuously deposited on the land, the dune field begins to migrate, forming new dunes.

Dunes are dynamic. They provide a habitat for wildlife, protection from storms, and recreational attraction for tourists. Dunes also protect coastal towns from strong winds and waves during storms. They are a part of the coastal ecosystem and support diverse plants and wildlife. Additionally, they attract visitors to our shorelines for recreation and tourism.

Therefore, coastal dune vegetation restoration is vital because it helps stabilize the dunes and provides an essential habitat and food for various wildlife, including endangered species.